Some people will look at the title and right off the bat think it’s a dumb question, of course they are different. Maybe.
But do they have to be?
I would argue that some of the best “natural” beekeepers are also some of the better scientific beekeepers.
I do not think “scientific” and “natural” are mutually exclusive. in
fact, I think they complement each other very well. Putting the
scientific method to research, study, learn more about bees and
beekeeping goes hand in hand with beekeepers becoming better beekeepers.
Here’s the problem. A great many people think of anything designed,
manufactured and implemented by mankind as “science based”. Anything
that uses things that are provided “as is” from nature is considered to
be “natural” and to be honest, inferior.
Why inferior? Mostly because of the level of control people can
exert in the design and manufacture of an item. for example, medicines
made in factories are viewed as being “better” than herbal or the hand
picked, harvested natural equivalents. This is because they see the
ability to control the quantities and consistency of those items in
almost every aspect as being “better”.
Not that the manufactured items actually work any better than the
natural” ones. They work about the same if used appropriately. It’s
actually that the “natural” items, such as medicines, vary in their
natural form and the pharmacist or doctor administering them must take
more care and be more thorough in their being mixed, dosed and
As with anything else, natural items must be properly used just the
same as manufactured ones. if someone doesn’t take the appropriate
care, problems can happen. manufacturing makes it easier to sell and
put in the hands of the consumer where the natural makes more work and
more experience for the pharmacist.
What does any of this have to do with beekeeping you ask. A lot,
beekeepers are frequently required to implement manipulations,
administer treatments and various other practices in the day to day
goings on of beekeeping. Some beekeepers use “natural” methods,
ingredients and resources, others use manufactured ones. Some a
combination of both.
However, don’t get scientific and manufactured confused. They are
not necessarily the same thing. It takes science to create the machines
and procedures to manufacture yes but the process of manufacturing is
not necessarily in and of itself scientific.
Beekeepers who use natural resources and methods have often relied on
science to help determine the better ingredients, quantities and
qualities as well as the methods and resources they implement. Natural
beekeepers frequently use science to make decisions and experiment in
their beeyards.
Unfortunately, too many people hear the term “natural beekeeping” and
get the mental image of a pot smoking hippie meandering around an
apiary smoking incense in hives and rattling chicken bones around.
It’s true, there are some I suspect of being pot smoking hippies who
toss things out into the beekeeping world under the auspices of “natural
beekeeping” that I would cheerfully shoot in the face because the
nonsense they spew takes all the efforts of sincere, scientific,
natural beekeepers back ten years every time they talk.
Scientific beekeeping and natural beekeeping go hand in hand,
complementing each other very well for those who have the courage and
determination to go the extra step and gain the extra knowledge and
experience to do it correctly. I must admit, it is my objective to be
this type of beekeeper.
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